32 Million Christian Regular Churchgoers Projected to Not Vote this November
Have you already voted via absentee ballot? Or perhaps you’re waiting to proudly vote in person on Tuesday, November 5th? Or are you possibly one of the 32 million self-identified Christians who regularly attend church but won’t cast their ballots at all?
Unfortunately, according to a new national survey released 10/7/24 by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, which is led by Dr. George Barna, that statistic is a reality. The survey reveals that voter enthusiasm is significantly lower than in 2020 due in large part to “the public’s distaste for both major-party candidates”. Other reasons cited for Christians’ lack of interest in voting include public dissatisfaction with government in general and the widespread concern that the election results will be engineered by illegal, behind-the-scenes schemes and voting by illegal immigrants.
The data also reveals that a sizeable number of Christian churches (36%) don’t even want to encourage congregants to vote, and many are pointedly avoiding speaking out about key social issues that influence which candidates their parishioners will support (32%).
Dr. Barna found that “about 1 out of every 6 likely non-voters said they would probably vote if their church taught them that voting is a biblical responsibility for every Christian.” If 32 million Christians who were not planning to vote were activated by their church body to vote in November, that could potentially change the outcome of an election as the difference between Biden and Trump in 2020 was a mere 7 million votes. As Barna noted, “…the 32 million Christians sitting in the pews each week who refuse to vote are a gamechanger. It’s low hanging fruit for pastors as they try to motivate those congregants to carry out their civic duty and honor God through their influence for things that matter in our culture.”
Where is the good news in all of this? November 5th is not here yet! You still have time to encourage your friends and family to get out and vote! If you are blessed to lead a flock of believers, you still have the opportunity to spur your congregation on to activate their biblical citizenship and remind them not to take this hard-won privilege for granted. If you aren’t sure what you can safely say from the pulpit, please reference this article. Our boldness to motivate others to do their biblical duty and vote will undoubtedly impact the outcome of the 2024 election!
Why Measure 5 Is A Bad Idea
I’m tired of hearing about recreational marijuana, and I bet you are as well. It comes up as ballot measures, such as Measure 5 on this November’s ballot. It has been introduced multiple times during legislative sessions. The media pushes it relentlessly and those who would see North Dakota fully legalize it continue to wage war by pouring millions of dollars into ND from out-of-state. After a while, you feel like just throwing up your hands and saying, “OK, it is inevitable anyway, let’s just get it over with."
I could go into a long litany of the harmful effects of recreational marijuana. It is addictive and has adverse effects on mental health and intelligence. Driving while acutely intoxicated with marijuana greatly increases the risk of fatal motor vehicle collisions, and states with legal use of recreational marijuana have seen substantial increases in marijuana related DUIs. The lack of reliable testing methods is a direct threat to workplace safety. And the list goes on. Our organization agrees that these effects pose an undeniable danger and more than outweigh any purported benefit the other side would have us believe, not to mention mistreats our bodies from how God intended. We are proud to stand against Measure 5 with allies such as the North Dakota Medical Association, North Dakota Hospital Association, Mandan Police Department, Burleigh County Sheriff’s Office, North Dakota Petroleum Council, North Dakota Association of General Contractors, North Dakota Motor Carriers, North Dakota Farmers Union, and North Dakota Catholic Conference.
Of course, those on the other side of the issue have their own arguments, from comparing legalized recreational marijuana use to legalized alcohol consumption, to noting that almost half of all states (including DC and Guam) have decriminalized it. Apparently, North Dakotans are just “sticks-in-the-mud” and are still living in the 1950s. We need to be like the “cool kids” and participate.
You’ve heard all of this and more. But I want you to focus on something a bit different. Almost all of you are parents, and some of you are even blessed to be grandparents. I want you to focus on your children and grandchildren for a moment.
Proponents of Measure 5 would argue that the ballot measure only legalizes the possession of recreational marijuana for those 21 years old and older, which is true. Based on state law, do you know what the legal age is for drinking in North Dakota? 21 years old. Purchasing cigarettes? 21 years old (federal). Viewing pornography or explicit “girly magazines”? 18 years old (federal).
Now, I’m sure your kids and grandkids generally make good decisions, but can you honestly say that they have never done nor will ever do any of the aforementioned activities while underage? Closer to home, how many of you can claim you never drank any alcohol at an age when it was illegal? So, the argument that legalized marijuana will only be more available and used by those over the age of 21 is simply untrue.
Growing up can be difficult, especially during the teen years. Our children and grandchildren are precious, and we would do anything for them. How about something simple, like voting “No” on Measure 5 in the next election and eliminating one more possible enticement for them. Yes, we’re all getting tired of hearing about the issue, but think of it this way. If you would be willing to risk your life or sell your possessions to protect your children, then being tired is a poor excuse for not voting to protect them from legalized marijuana. Make the right choice for the next generations of North Dakotans. Make this decision part of a legacy you’ll be proud to hand off to them someday.
Reflecting on our first Legislative Academy
by Jacob Thomsen
This past weekend we held our very first Legislative Academy. It was remarkable to see all of the legislators and candidates who came to listen and learn from our fabulous speakers. Everyone in attendance who gave us feedback said it was an incredibly valuable event. We were honored to be able to do something like this, thanks to our generous donors!
We brought in Dr. Mark David Hall, who did a great job teaching us about our founding and its true Christian roots. His education and experience were second to none. His talk was entitled “Did America Have a Christian Founding? Separating Modern Myth from Historical Truth.” We recorded his talk for all of you and it is available at this link.
We also had the great privilege of being joined by Autumn Leva, Senior Vice President of Strategy for Family Policy Alliance and media/communications expert. She conducted media training for our legislators, which was an exceptional resource for everyone in the room. She also gave one-on-one media training to multiple attendees, and I had the opportunity to experience that as well. She put us all in the “hot seat” and grilled us with tough questions to see how we would do under pressure from aggressive media. I regret to inform you that I am no Ronald Reagan in front of the camera, but the good news is that I know what not to do!
We heard from several speakers about many other issues: family, life, education, religious liberty, agriculture, and energy. We were also privileged to learn from two former legislators, Kim Koppelman and Terry Jones. They presented some very helpful thoughts and wise advice, based upon their decades of serving North Dakotans in the state legislature.
As I sat in the back of the room, listening to the speakers and watching our legislators and candidates take it all in, there was a verse that came to my mind. When Kim and Terry spoke, they both mentioned that it was never their goal to run for office. They were called to it. I know that is the story for many of the people that were in the room as well. The verse that came to mind is from Isaiah 6:8. “And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here I am! Send me.’”
We are blessed to have numerous Christians serving as legislators within North Dakota’s Capitol. While many of them never set out to become state legislators, they all answered the call that the Lord had on their lives for our state. I admire them for this. Stepping into a calling isn’t always the easiest task. I’ve seen the legislative process in this state and know for a fact that this calling is not for the faint of heart, so whenever you get the chance, please thank your legislators.
NDFA is blessed to be uniquely positioned to serve as a valuable educational resource to our legislators and candidates. We can help prepare them for their work in the state legislature with an event like the Legislative Academy, and God willing, we will continue to prepare Christian legislators for generations to come.
This was a remarkable event, and we would not have been able to do it without you, so thank you so much for your financial support!
iVoterGuide Partnership: Equipping You To Vote Wisely
We have partnered with iVoterGuide to help you make biblical voting decisions this November. iVoterGuide is the nation’s largest candidate research organization focused exclusively on informing and mobilizing voters with biblical values. As such, we share many values with them including marriage/family, the sanctity of life, God-honoring citizenship, and religious liberty. We firmly agree with their stance that “elections are the front lines of an everyday, year-round, fifty-state battle for the soul of our country”.
We appreciate the valuable research that went into this handy tool and hope that you will too. Please enter your address here to find the specific election information relating to your ballot. Remember, your vote is your voice!
Please Vote "No" on Legalizing Marijuana
I enjoyed my college years, and I have to admit that a significant part of that enjoyment was because I was 2,500 miles from home. I was ready to experience the “sweet taste of freedom” that college offered, and many of my other freshman classmates felt the same way. I’m not proud to admit that many of us did really stupid things that first year. My apologies to the parent we hit with a water balloon from the roof of our dorm, and to the campus security guard we scared by putting a mannequin in the dark closet they needed to check each night.
One thing I did observe was that every so often that freedom took a seriously wrong turn. Instead of water balloons and mannequins, my university classmates often turned to marijuana (aka weed), amphetamines, and similar drugs. The results were obvious. Two of my close friends who smoked “weed” on a daily basis became so detached, that one dropped out after a semester, and the other went on to other drugs and eventually landed in jail from a felony conviction. I am convinced that marijuana played a key role in their indifference to school and life in general. It was really a shame. They became incapable of living up to their God-given potential.
North Dakota is facing ballot Measure 5, which would legalize recreational marijuana, allowing individuals who are 21 and older to possess and use various forms of weed. I’m not surprised by the “21 and older” provision. It makes everyone feel safer to vote “yes”. It’s similar to the laws intended to keep you, your friends, and family members from ever smoking or drinking as minors. Let me know how that works out.
There is also a section of the measure to direct a state agency to administer and regulate the system, and provisions which are intended to shield employers from work-related issues.
Does all this sound familiar? It should. This is the third time that groups have tried to legalize marijuana in ND since 2018. Make no mistake, this is a war of attrition; it has been for every state in their crosshairs.
We at North Dakota Family Alliance stand with many other respected organizations opposing this measure; organizations such as the North Dakota Medical Association, North Dakota Hospital Association, Mandan Police Department, Burleigh County Sheriff’s Office, North Dakota Petroleum Council, North Dakota Association of General Contractors, North Dakota Motor Carriers, North Dakota Farmers Union, and North Dakota Catholic Conference.
As we’ve all seen in Minnesota, Colorado, California, Washington state, and 20 others, marijuana legalization is a road that we don’t want to start down. Let’s not allow ND to become the 25th U.S. state that legalizes recreational weed. Please join with us in voting “No” on Measure 5 in November.