Announcing North Dakota's 2025 Annual Pro-Life Conference!

Please mark your calendars for Wed. January 22nd, 2025, and join us at 9am at the Heritage Center in Bismarck as we celebrate North Dakota’s annual Right-To-Life Day! We’ll have life-affirming messages from several speakers, a delicious lunch, and fellowship as we give thanks for God’s precious gift of life! You can purchase tickets for $25 here.
We’re excited to welcome Melissa Ohden as our keynote speaker this year. She is the Founder and Director of The Abortion Survivors Network, the only healing and advocacy organization for abortion survivors and their families. She will share her profound experiences as an abortion survivor.

Melissa Ohden is the survivor of a failed saline infusion abortion. Despite the initial concerns regarding Melissa’s future after surviving the attempt to end her life at approximately seven months gestation, she has not only survived but thrived. She is a Master’s level prepared Social Worker and the author of two books: You Carried Me: A Daughter’s Memoir and Abortion Survivors Break Their Silence. Melissa speaks at events around the world, inspiring audiences with her powerful life story, and she is a sought-after expert on abortion survivors.

We’ll also be privileged to hear from several other impactful speakers including:

Dr. Patti Giebink, MD, is an OB/GYN physician who has over 30 years’ experience delivering babies here and in hospitals overseas.  While working in her private practice in Sioux Falls, SD, she began working part-time performing abortions at Planned Parenthood, the only abortion clinic in South Dakota.  After shifting to full-time at Planned Parenthood she eventually left September 1997 and has not performed any abortions since. Her book, Unexpected Choice – An Abortion Doctor’s Journey To Pro-Life chronicles her career, and her transformation, and gives readers insight into both sides of this divisive issue.

*Bridget Turbide, Executive Director of North Dakota Right To Life
*Dr. David Tamisiea, Executive Director of North Dakota Catholic Conference
*Nadia Smetana, RN, BSN, Clinic Director at Dakota Hope Clinics
*Senator Janne Myrdal, Chair of the ND Legislative Pro-Life Caucus
Tickets will be $25 and can be purchased here or they can be purchased at a group rate by calling 701-355-6425. We hope to see you on Wed. January 22nd as we seek to reaffirm the dignity and value of every human being!


Weekly Legislative Update #1


Legislative Organizational Session Highlights